Lakeside Circus, Short fiction and other oddities

I’m very happy to report that my new short story, All the Wealth in the World, will be in the inaugural issue of a new digital magazine from Dagan Books called Lakeside Circus. It’s a short-form speculative fiction magazine, published quarterly. Beginning...

Midnight Echo 10, featuring me. Twice.

Well, this is a first for me and one that requires double Snoopy dancing. You all know by now how much a fan I am of Midnight Echo magazine. It’s the official magazine of the Australian Horror Writer’s Association and one of the classiest glossy mags on...

Crowded Magazine, issue 2 – featuring me

Very happy about this one, and not only because the magazine pays pro rates! The second issue of Crowded is out, and I’m very proud that it contains my dark urban fantasy story, Roll the Bones. I’m pleased this story found a good home, as it’s one of...

365 Shorts update, third quarter

On June 7th I posted an update at the halfway mark of my mission to read 365 short stories in 365 days. At that point I was well ahead of the curve, with 256 stories read. So how am I fairing now? Well, I’ve read less this quarter than the previous two, but...