Stepping down as President of the AHWA

Oct 14, 2023

It is with some mixed feelings that today at the AGM I stepped down as President of the Australasian Horror Writers Association.

I’ve greatly enjoyed my time in the role and feel like I’ve achieved a lot. However, after three years as President (and a year or two before that as VP) it’s time to move on. The AHWA is a wonderful beast and does so much for the horror community in the Australasian region and around the world. It’s been a privilege to be a part of it and to help it grow, and I have no doubt it will continue on from strength to strength. But this volunteer position takes a lot of time and mental energy and I have a finite amount of both to spare. I need to focus on my writing and other aspects of my life, so it’s time to let go of the AHWA as President. I will always be a proud AHWA member and will always do all I can to help the Association and promote the good work it does. Massive thanks to the awesome committee for their hard work and support during my tenure. Here’s to us all breaching new dark horizons into the future!

And thank you for this privilege.

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