Personal and deep interview with me about writing and fighting

Aug 21, 2017

A few weeks ago I went up to Sydney and had a long and very in-depth conversation with James Rickards. It’s a much deeper and more personal interview than most, where James grilled me about all sorts of things writing-related and about my personal life and upbringing. We talk about martial arts and being a victim, bullying, competition fighting and all that stuff, along with my writing process and habits. We discuss life and death and the injustice of nature. We talk about the need to keep moving and how I apply some martial arts lessons to my writing and the genres I write. I also tell the story of how I once met Neil Gaiman before I knew who the hell he was and bought a new comic that had just come out called Sandman. It’s a really cool conversation. James has edited it down to about 47 minutes that can be accessed via the following links:

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