Manifest Recall cover reveal, excerpt, contest, and pre-order!

May 22, 2018

Look at this amazing cover for my new novella, MANIFEST RECALL! I love it so much. Grey Matter Press and Saber Core have done such a brilliant job with it. And this cover reveal marks the start of the release schedule for this book. Exciting times. Here’s the blurb:

Following a psychotic break, Eli Carver finds himself on the run, behind the wheel of a car that’s not his own, and in the company of a terrified woman he doesn’t know. As layers of ugly truth are peeled back and dark secrets are revealed, the duo find themselves in a struggle for survival when they unravel a mystery that pits them against the most dangerous forces in their lives.

A contemporary southern gothic thriller with frightening supernatural overtones, Alan Baxter’s Manifest Recall explores the tragic life of a hitman who finds himself on the wrong side of his criminal syndicate. Baxter’s adrenaline-fueled approach to storytelling draws readers into Eli Carver’s downward spiral of psychosis and through the darkest realms of lost memories, human guilt and the insurmountable quest for personal redemption.

MANIFEST RECALL is published in ebook and paperback on June 26th, which is only just over a month away. You can add it to your Goodreads shelves here and you can pre-order from Amazon at these links:





You can read the opening of the book by clicking here, and hopefully that’ll whet your appetite enough to go and pre-order or add it to your TBR list. I wrote a guest post about the book’s central theme, guilt, for Jim McLeod over at that amazing horror website, Ginger Nuts of Horror. And GNoH are also running a cool contest to win a copy of MANIFEST RECALL and a massive book bundle. Click here to get all the details. And that guest post about guilt is here.

Please feel free to share this post around with anyone who you think might be interested!

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